Monthly Archives: April 2009

Day 303: Waste Watch Wednesday R-E-C-Y-C-L-E

There’s nothing like a musical recycling ditty to make you want to put your paper and aluminum in the correct bins.

Now, I don’t know a thing about this Rocko’s Modern Life cartoon show.  According to wikipedia it often includes “double entendres, sexual innuendos, and social commentary”, but don’t worry, this clip is rated G for “general” and RA for “recycling awsomeness” (I know that’s not a word, but I’m using it anyway).

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Filed under video

Day 302: Triple Digit Milestone


I was searching for an image of fireworks spelling "300" or some such appropriate image, but this came up instead, and I think it's so frickin' hilarious that I'm using it. What says celebration more than a cat and some fireworks? Image credit:

I just realized that we missed the 300 day mark!  Well, not missed it of course we had it two days ago, but I mean I forgot to make a big deal of it.

Although, maybe that’s fitting.  It shouldn’t be a big deal.  Zero waste should just be part of the way we live shouldn’t it?

I can tell we’re in the home stretch now because I have been obsessively thinking of things I can buy when the year is up – jeans, toothbrushes, toothpaste, a summer dress, a cake decorating set (don’t ask – I don’t control these desires, they just come to me).

Lots of people have been asking us what the hardest part of this project has been so far.  I can’t speak for my roommates, but these are my top three: Continue reading


Filed under DIY

Day 301: Oh the Irony

harddriveWe ran out of hard drive space while making our documentary, and, you guessed it, we had to buy a new hard drive.  Two actually, since we double back up everything having learned the hard way that electronics are not infallible.  We’ve had two hard drives fail on us in the past (Western Digital in case you were wondering what the brand names was – and I don’t mind saying that we don’t recommend them). Continue reading


Filed under consumerism

Day 298: Buy Nothing/Steal Something


We were at a fancy restaurant yesterday evening when Grant accidentally chipped his water glass.

We knew that there was no way the restaurant could continue to use that glass in its chipped state (this was a cloth napkins kind of place). Its future obviously lay in the garbage bin behind the swinging kitchen door.

On the other hand, we were out with Grant’s Mum and a bunch of her friends, and we didn’t want to make a big scene where we would have to explain our entire project to the waiter and potentially have it turn into further explanation with the manager, etc, etc. It was, after all, just a glass.

So we quietly decided that the logical course of action would be to take the glass home with us where it could continue a useful life despite its superficial damage.

And that, my friends, is how we ended up stealing a glass from a fine dining establishment (and justifying it in the name of the environment).


Filed under interactions

Day 296: Waste Watch Wednesday – 100 Mile Challenge

100_mile_diet_logo_1Happy Earth Day!  Obviously there are many ways to lessen our impact on the earth, from transportation to waste reduction, and one of those ways is to incorporate more local food into our diet.  Local food travels fewer kms creating fewer emissions (and probably using less packaging to boot).  I could go on and on, but seeing as how this is “waste watch wednesday”, we better get on with the main feature.

The 100 Mile Diet is both a concept and a book (written by two engaging Vancouverites I might add), and now it’s a tv show called The 100 Mile Challenge.  The best thing is, that they are posting each episode online in its entirety, so regardless of where you live, you can check it out. Continue reading


Filed under Uncategorized

Day 294: Speak or Die

carpoolThose few people who were lucky enough to be part of my university car-pool will know that I hate public speaking.  They will remember having to pull over on the side of the road on mornings that I had a presentation due so that I could lose my breakfast into the gutter before hopping back into the vehicle (I’m not kidding here)

I actually took a zero for one presentation thinking that the alternative (actually showing up and presenting) was not worth the anxiety.

So who would have believed that I would willingly take up public speaking? Continue reading


Filed under interactions