Category Archives: guest writer

Day 362: Simple Savvy

Christine over at Simple Savvy got married last week (Congrats Christine!), so she graciously let me take over her blog for a day while she was tied up with the festivities.

If you don’t read the Simple Savvy blog, well, you should.  I’ve noticed lots of bloggers straddle the line between “frugal” and “eco” or “DIY” and “a simpler life” or “being green” and “having a green thumb”.  I think all these things are interconnected, or at least they’re all things that I’m interested in.In either case, Christine’s blog is right up my alley.

The theme of my guest post is “Commitment to going green” because, for us, that was the hardest part of changing our lifestyle.  We talked a lot about reducing our waste, but actually committing to doing it was the challenge. We still have a long way to go, but our year long project has been a pretty good start.

Anyway, head on over to my guest post to read more.


Filed under guest writer

Day 59: Practical Applications

Dave over at 365 days of trash has posted a great video on practical things you can do to reduce your dependence on plastic bags (and ultimately produce less waste at the grocery store). I couldn’t possibly have said it better, but I am am proud to confirm that we have been practicing all of his methods with great success over the past two months (except for the dog poo part – we don’t have a dog).

Thanks for the informative video Dave


Filed under guest writer, soft plastics

Day: 56 Guest Greener

So it seems that our waste-free lifestyle may have rubbed off on someone else.

Grant’s cousin, Stephen, spent a couple weeks with us this month after following our footprints and experiencing his first season of treeplanting (the traditional BC student job). Little did he know he was landing smack in the middle of the Clean Bin Project, and that garbage cans would be in short supply. Continue reading


Filed under guest writer, no waste on the road, recycling